The Dogs
We currently care for 750+ dogs at the Sanctuary, and 400 more being monitored and fed on the streets. We treat and rehabilitate disabled dogs, vaccinate, sterilize and rear puppies and tend to the severely sick, injured and abused
Entrance to shelter
Take in many homeless dog every day. In 2018 – 181 dogs In 2019 – 222 dogs In 2020 - 232 dogs In 2021 – 182 dogs In 2022 – 180 dogs
Spay and neuter
The better way to stop stray dogs’ cycle.
In 2018 – 440 dogs/Cats
In 2019 – 525 Dogs/Cats
In 2020 - 867 Dogs/Cats
In 2021 - 1613 Dogs/Cats
In 2022 – 1600 dogs
Dogs need forever home.
In 2018 – 60 dogs
In 2019 – 62 dogs
In 2020 - 44 dogs
In 2021 - 17 dogs
In 2022 - 16 dogs 1 Cats
You can help many stray dogs by donating just a little.
With yout help, we can do better.
How You Can Help:
We rely entirely on donations and sponsorships to help the sick, neglected, and abused dogs in our care. All of the dogs we rescue are medicated, vaccinated, and sterilized. We also rehabilitate, socialize, and attempt to rehome the dogs in our care as well. But we can’t do it alone.
With your help, we can do better.
Dogs in the Care Unit:
The Care Center was established in 2016. It shelters many sick, old, paralyzed and dogs with special needs. There are 10 staff members caring for these dogs 24 /7. Currently, with 110+ dogs in their care, duties include walks twice a day, supervised water therapy and Dog Physiotherapy for those with special needs, cleaning wounds daily to prevent infections, administering and keeping track of their medications and most importantly socializing them so we can bring the dogs one step closer to finding a forever home.

Adoption checklist:
Adopters must be over 22 years old and working. If under 22 years of age, we would need permission from the parents
Dogs need exercise so adopters must walk them two or more times per day
We prefer homes that are completely fenced in, but we will consider a home that is far from busy streets and in a friendly neighborhood area
We require all of our adopters to follow our update schedule, which allows us to track the progress of you and your new dog
To be considered eligible to adopt you must live in a neighborhood, village, or community that is animal friendly where the keeping of a dog is acceptable
How you can help
Your donation, no matter the amount, goes directly towards bringing peace to the dogs in our care. If you have a specific item you would like to donate towards – food or medicine for example, please specify this in the notes with your transaction or contact us directly. To find out more about how you can donate click Donate.
You can support a dog at TMTRD for as little as one dollar per day. When you sponsor a dog, you'll stay informed with regular updates about the TMTRD dog you're supporting. Your sponsorship allows us to continue the important work we do.
Adopting a rescue dog is one of the most rewarding experiences for both the dog and you - the future doggy parent. We will work with you to make sure you find the best dog that suits your lifestyle and family needs. To find out if you are eligible to adopt please check the TMTRD Adoptions checklist here.