Adopt / Sponsor / Foster

Whether you are ready for a dog full time, willing to foster, or prefer to sponsor.

TMTRD needs your help

Adopt or Sponsor


You can support a dog at TMTRD for as little as one dollar per day. When you sponsor a dog, you’ll stay informed with regular updates about the TMTRD dog you’re supporting. Your sponsorship allows us to continue the important work we do.


Adopting a rescue dog is one of the most rewarding experiences for both the dog and you, the future doggy parent. We will work with you to make sure you find the best dog that suits your lifestyle and family needs. In order to be eligible to adopt you will need to check the TMTRD Adoptions Checklist.

Put your headline here

And then some sub headline

Become a Sponsor

Sponsoring a rescue dog(s) is an incredibly rewarding way to be part of the change that we are making to these animals lives. But it is not the only thing you can sponsor!

We also offer the option to sponsor specific items such as food, medicine, wheelchairs, toys & accessories such as leashes and collars, or larger projects such as The Sanctuary expansion, the modernization of The Clinic, or broader more practical items such as fuel, bowls and blankets. Contact us here for more details on how you can help us do better.




Volunteering at The Man That Rescues Dogs is an unforgettable experience, but you will only take from it what you are willing to put into it. You will be expected to be self sufficient, hard working, patient and willing to learn. The dogs are mostly strays and have experienced hardships that you can only imagine. Some are domesticated dogs that have been mistreated or neglected and require all your love and attention to rehabilitate them and prove to them that their lives will be better. In every case, being a part of this transformation on a large scale is truly life changing.

Volunteer VISA

If you would like to volunteer with us for longer than thirty days you will need to apply for a non-o visa at a consulate outside of Thailand. The documents needed to go along with your visa application will be provided by us for an administration fee of 2000 baht. It is also your responsibility to research the visa and immigration requirements to enter Thailand based on your country of origin or where your passport was issued.


Volunteering at The Man That Rescues Dogs is a life changing experience.

Maria Ellinor is from Sweden. She came to be Volunteer with us 2 weeks.

Joakim Blomqvist is from Sweden.

Chelsea Cauwenbergh is from Belgium.

Volunteer Program

TMTRD Weekly Volunteer Package
Cost: $200 USD per week per volunteer

  • One week of accommodation at Viman Resort (approx 12 min walk to TMTRD)
  • Morning coffee at the resort
  • (additional breakfast food available for 50-80 baht)
  • Daily homemade traditional Thai food for lunch at the shelter
  • One TMTRD “With Your Help, We Can Do Better” T-shirt
  • Transportation to a local store if you’d like to pick up some basic provisions
  • Available 1-2 times per week
  • Transportation to the local village night market for dinner 1-2 times per week

Become a Volunteer

Spending time at The Clinic (priority given to those with veterinary interests or graduate/professional vets),
Providing support in the Quarantine Section through tasks like cleaning and conducting daily health checks,
Participating in the 4 hours feeding route (volunteers can join once per week),
Playing with puppies and assisting in various tasks,
Contributing to TMTRD’s social media presence and creating captivating content for both social media and the website,
Actively promoting TMTRD and collaborating on initiatives to further the Foundation’s mission of aiding more dogs.

Become a Volunteer

Contact us to become a Volunteer.
